... Our Eyes Have Seen You ...






For Costumes, see our friends (they have an wide variety of everything from victorian, arabesque, middleages, etc. etc. etc. it is truely unbelievable!):

For Masks, there are a few options. You can either buy a mask on entry, at the night of the Bal, or you can order in advance with Naira from Commaskaras (in Amsterdam), with Petra from Atelier Cherubijn the in Den Haag and Amsterdam, or Ella from Cabinodd.

On our 14th BAL Du MASQUE,

shall be selling their masks for very reasonable prices!

”Atelier Maskenzauber” – Venecian Masquerade

If you are somebody that makes and sells masks and you would like to be added to this website, please contact us.

"In the darkness I glimpsed sirens, temptresses, dark angels & beautiful demons. I saw the veiled faces of love and death. Drawn to Venice, City of Water, I taught myself its ancient mask-making techniques and developed my own ways. Inspired, I gave faces and forms to my dreams and fantasies."

-Tanith Hicks, maskmaker from Cabinodd

Commaskaras sells Venetian and Brazillian Masks, a small selection:


A Selection of Lady Petra's Work (Atelier Cherubijn):

For more inspiration, you can also look on the following sites: